There is no doubt that we live in the era of obesity, the disease of the 21st Century. With the growing rates of obesity, many seek unhealthy methods to lose weight without realizing they’re doing more harm than good. Instead of obsessing over different diets, workout plans, and endless restrictive practices, it is vital we understand how to manage our weight through a useful tool called “Tracking Calories”.
A calorie is a unit of measurement that allows us to understand the amount of energy we gain from eating foods. Put simply, our bodies need energy to do various physical and cognitive activities such as running, thinking, or even breathing. In order to do these activities at the most optimal state, our bodies must have a sufficient amount of energy, which it gets from food. Any energy our body does not burn gets stored as fat. This is why tracking calories can be an important tool that will help you reach your health goals.
A common misconception in the diet world is that all calories are the same. Certain foods may have the same caloric value but differ in their nutritional value. For instance, a candy bar and 10 cups of cucumber both have 150 calories. But the nutritional value you gain from eating the cucumber exceeds the benefits of the candy bar, even if the energy generated by both are equal. This is what we call the difference between “Quality Calories”, and “Empty Calories”. Foods that contain little to no nutritional value but are high in calories are described as empty calories. By understanding the difference between the two, you will be able to reach your health goals faster.
The following table shows a more detailed distinction between types of foods we consume regularly varying from quality calories to empty calories:
Quality Calorie |
Empty Calorie |
A slice of whole wheat bread: 91 calories 4g of protein 1g of fat 1g of fiber |
A slice of white bread: 79 calories 2.7g of protein 1g of fat >1g of fiber |
A cup of oats: 280 calories 16.9g of protein 10.6g of fiber 0g of sugar |
A cup of sugar-coated corn flakes: 290 calories 7g of protein 5g of fiber 11g of sugar |
Grilled Chicken Salad: 170 calories. 14.8g of protein 100mg of calcium 1.8mg of iron |
Grilled Chicken Sandwich: 320 calories. 14.8g of protein 25mg of calcium 1.5mg of iron |
Fresh Orange Juice: 46 calories 124mg of vitamin C 11mg of calcium 8g of sugar |
Carbonated Beverages: 150 calories 0mg of vitamin C 0mg of calcium 69g of added sugar |
Calculating how many calories a person must consume within a day can vary drastically from one person to another. This calculation is based on various elements which include:
Physical Activity: Another important element that helps to calculate caloric needs properly is physical activity. People exert different amount of energy every day and this impacts the calories they burn daily. For instance, construction workers burn more calories working than most employees who sit on a desk all day.
In order to know the number of calories found in the food you consume; you must understand how to properly read the ‘Nutrition Facts’ label. This label is found on most food items and it consists of the following:
Ingredients: This shows a list of all the ingredients used to make this product. It is important to know that ingredients are typically arranged in order of concentration. For example, you might see that on a bottle of juice sugar is one of the first ingredients on the list, which means that this product has added sugars in it, and not naturally sweetened.
Many obsess over the idea of having the perfect body. Whether it involves losing weight, or gaining it, there is no doubt that dieting has become one of the world’s biggest health topics. But what most people fail to realize is the importance of maintaining a healthy body. Aside from the vanities, our bodies perform many physiological activities that sustain our life. Therefore, instead of obsessing over how we look, we should aspire to create a healthier body; by following these tips:
Salamatak is an awareness program with an authentic Arab spirit that provides health advice and guidance in line with the standards of international health awareness organizations. It aims to elevate society through health and safety awareness in a spontaneous way, and targets healthy people in particular and society in general.
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