Salamatak – Cyberbullying

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Which side are you on?

Are you a bully? Or do you get bullied?

Have you ever witnessed someone being harassed by mean comments?

Or have you experienced these hurtful comments yourself? Did they scar you in a way that is difficult for you to forget or move on from them?

Why do we get bullied? We get bullied for our appearance, the way we talk or even our race.

This happens because bullies cannot accept anyone who differs from them. They feel a sense where they lack something their victim has, or just to prove their dominance. Bullies often use bullying as a way to attract attention to themselves, thus they try to enforce hurtful attempts in various ways to test the victim’s weakness.


Main Bullying Types

  • Social Bullying: Embarrassing the victim in public places, telling others not to befriend them, or forcing the victim to stop talking to their friends.
  • Verbal Bullying: Spreading rumors, threats or using hurtful and harsh words.
  • Physical Bullying: Breaking or destroying the victim’s belongings, hitting the victim in any form.


When does bullying happen?

Bullying can happen anywhere: schools, work environment, public places. It can also happen through technology which we see often now as Cyber Bullying on social media platforms.


Bullying Facts

  • In the United States, 1 out of 5 students gets bullied every year from the ages of 12 to 18.
  • Bullying occurs in any age group and any environment, but it is more common among teenagers.
  • Studies indicate that only 20% to 30% of bullying victims report their bully.

How to prevent and limit bullying

  • Talk to an expert, or someone you trust such as family or close friends.
  • Do not be afraid to confront your bully.
  • Face your bully with confidence and strength.
  • Do not listen to the bully and ignore their mean comments.
  • Talk to a person that carefully listens to you and guides you.
  • Work on improving yourself and overcoming your weaknesses.

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Salamatak is an awareness program with an authentic Arab spirit that provides health advice and guidance in line with the standards of international health awareness organizations. It aims to elevate society through health and safety awareness in a spontaneous way, and targets healthy people in particular and society in general.

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