Salamatak – Accidents

Traffic accidents have caused countless lives to be lost, and countless others to suffer. From crippling injuries to losing loved ones, traffic accidents have caused it all.

Entire families killed in seconds because of a reckless driver. Lives lost because of carelessness and ignoring traffic laws. Lives lost because of lack of awareness of traffic first aid that could have saved the lives of thousands and thousands of people every year!

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Taking action when seeing an accident

  • Report the scene of the accident, and the number of injured individuals to emergency services
  • Pay attention to your safety as a medic, the safety of the injured, and the scene of the accident
  • Do not move any injured individual from their position except in the presence of a danger that may threaten their life
  • Ask the injured person, if they are conscious, to lay on their back and calm them down until an ambulance arrives
  • Turn on the emergency lights to alert nearby drivers before getting out of your car to help
  • Designate a person to alert incoming cars of an accident
  • Turn off the engine of the accident car and remove the battery wires to avoid any fires
  • Stop any bleeding by bandaging the injured area with a clean piece of cloth
  • Perform CPR if the injured is not breathing
  • Do not crowd around the accident scene

Here are some tips for safe driving

• Wear your seat belt as soon as you enter the car, and make sure all passengers are wearing it

• Do not use a mobile phone while you are drive

• Avoid driving in places that may contain water

• Follow traffic laws

• Avoid high speed driving

• Children must be seated in properly installed car seats

Annual Traffic Accidents Statistics

  • • 20-50 million people suffer from injuries that lead to long-term disabilities

    • About 1.35 million people die every year as a result of traffic accidents

    • Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death amongst young adults

    • Men are the most vulnerable to accidents

    • Every 16 minutes a person dies as a result of a traffic accident

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Salamatak is an awareness program with an authentic Arab spirit that provides health advice and guidance in line with the standards of international health awareness organizations. It aims to elevate society through health and safety awareness in a spontaneous way, and targets healthy people in particular and society in general.

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