Salamatak – Childhood Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common medical issues in our society, especially in children. Obesity in children can be difficult to treat regardless of the parents’ efforts to treat and help their children.

In addition, obesity can cause other issues in children such as: Sleep apnea, increases fatigue, bones weakness and issues in the child’s overall development.

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Children Obesit

Obesity occurs in children if the BMI (Body Mass Index) of the child or teenager is equal to, or greater than the 95th percentile. Children whose BMI is in the 85th percentile to less than the 95th percentile are considered overweight. BMI is the index used to measure weight gain and obesity in childhood.

Children Obesity Facts

Obesity increases the risk of over diseases such as:

  • Type-2 Diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High cholesterol levels.
  • Problems in bones and joints.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Obese girls can experience menstrual irregularities.


Treatment of obesity depends greatly on the age of the child as well as his/her health condition. In the cases of obese children who are over 2 years old are advised to follow a weight plan that includes: 

  • Healthy diets
  • Physical activities


Parents must help their obese children in changing their lifestyle and preventing obesity by:

  1. Exercising to burn calories and fat to eliminate Obesity.
  2. Drinking water before eating to give the feeling of fullness and to eliminate Obesity.
  3. Eating small amounts of food to eliminate Obesity.
  4. Following a healthy diet and lifestyle to eliminate Obesity.

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Salamatak is an awareness program with an authentic Arab spirit that provides health advice and guidance in line with the standards of international health awareness organizations. It aims to elevate society through health and safety awareness in a spontaneous way, and targets healthy people in particular and society in general.

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