Salamatak – Alzheimer’s

Have you heard of Alzheimer's before?

Alzheimer’s is an illness that usually impacts elders in which their braincells change long before any symptoms appear. The symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear gradually and slowly with time and include problems in dealing with daily activities. The patient’s family play an important role in this phase as they must understand and accept these changes and learn how to deal with them.
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Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that is caused by brain damage and can greatly impact the patient’s ability to perform daily and usual activities.

Alzheimer’s is linked to the nervous system, which can cause memory loss as well as impaired judgment, thinking, behavior and learning which ultimately impacts the patient’s ability to work.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s can appear two years of the development of the condition. The older the patient the higher at risk they would be to develop Alzheimer’s. The number of Alzheimer’s patients multiply every five years after the age of 65.

Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s

    • Memory loss
    • Repetition of words
    • Nervousness and uneasiness.
    • Change in personality
    • Problems in pronunciation
    • Neglecting health and personal hygiene
    • Weird behavior

Causes of Alzheimer’s

There are many reasons that can lead to the development of Alzheimer’s. They include:

  • Experiencing a strong trauma or accident in the head that can lead to damage in braincells and permanent loss of memory.
  • Old age can be a cause of Alzheimer’s
  • Patients with heart problems have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s
  • Patients can develop Alzheimer’s after experiencing illnesses that impact the blood vessels in the brain.

Stages of Alzheimer’s

  • Stage One: No visible symptoms but patients can be diagnosed based on the family history.
  • Stage Two: Symptoms begin to appear such as forgetfulness.
  • Stage Three: In this stage, physical and mental problems begin to appear such as weakening of memory and concentration.
  • Stage Four: Patients are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at this stage.
  • Stage Five: Patients require assistance in basic activities such as eating and wearing clothes. Stage Six: The final and most critical stage of Alzheimer’s which includes loss of speech and facial expressions.


Keeping chronic diseases under control:

  • Continuously monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Weight Watching: With increased weight, patients are advised to lose weight to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s in the future.
  • Exercising: Patients are advised to exercise even for short intervals which can improve the health of the brain
  • Stimulating The Brain: Keep your brain active which acts as a brain exercise.
  • Taking Necessary Precautions Head injuries caused by car accidents or falling off bikes can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s even years after the injury.

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Salamatak is an awareness program with an authentic Arab spirit that provides health advice and guidance in line with the standards of international health awareness organizations. It aims to elevate society through health and safety awareness in a spontaneous way, and targets healthy people in particular and society in general.

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